Posts Tagged 'atlanta'

The Dark Side of Tech & How to Keep It From Controlling Your Life.

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As a Traditional Naturopath, one of the many aspects I focus on when it comes to helping my clients achieve success is teaching them how to balance their lifestyle routines and habits. We live in a very fast paced world that can place a lot of demands on our time. These demands have greatly increased with ...

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Pumpkin Spice Pecan Nut Butter Recipe: A Cost Efficient Alternative to Expensive Store-bought Brands

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MMMM! Who doesn’t love nut butters? They pack good healthy fats and many benefits. I love using nut butter in my morning breakfast and with organic sliced apples as a snack. The options are endless and its a perfect addition to recipes or to help curb a craving.

A good quality nut butter that is not full of junk, sugar or unnecessary ...

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Homemade Crock Pot Chicken Soup Recipe: A Nourishing Soup Perfect for the Fall & Winter Months

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Alex and I love the Seasons and especially the Fall! Nothing says ‘Fall’ better than a warm nourishing soup. In our home, we really focus a lot on Crock Pot recipes that are simple and healthy. We love making bone broth soups, ...

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Fit Pics & Prep Tips: Meal Prep Tips to Save Time, Energy & Effort in the Kitchen

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As most of you know, Alex and I are less than 2 weeks out from our first competition in a long time. The last time we took the stage together was in 2010. He and I are major goal setters and thought this would be the perfect way to challenge ourselves while motivating Team A+A Wellness. After all, we are huge advocates of practicing what we preach and truly living out this ‘healthy lifestyle’ in all of it’s fullness.

Here are ...

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Balancing Chronic Stress in Your Life: Alex and Ashley Poptodorov

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Hello! 🙂

Welcome to the A+A Blog. We love helping you live your healthiest life. 

Stress is something that we all have to battle daily in our lives. How we handle these stressors will determine our overall health and wellbeing. Alex and I are owners of A+A Wellness: Fitness, Nutrition and Lifestyle right here in East Cobb/Marietta, GA and offer our ‘Health Talks’ biweekly at Whole Foods Merchants Walk. Join us for our next seminar or visit for more info. 

Here are ...

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5 Things That Could Be Stunting Your Fat Loss Goals: Ashley Poptodorova

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When it comes to reaching FAT loss goals (notice I did not just say ‘weight loss’) it takes working “smarter” and not harder. As a Health Coach, these are the top 5 areas that I notice people fail at reaching their fat loss goals.

Our next series for our ‘Inner Circle’ Members will be on how to strategically approach these ...

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Step 3 of Proper Goal Setting: Planning Ahead

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So many times in life we plan to fail by failing to plan. It is a tough truth that I had to learn in my life and especially when it came to adapting to my new ‘healthy lifestyle’ and goals. Remember, I started my OWN journey to health at 208 pounds! Just look at the picture below. That was me ...

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6 Things Standing Between You and Your Goals

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goal_settingHow many times have you set a goal only to find that it got shuffled under a pile of ‘to do’s” or worse yet, that you completely forgot it all together? Even worse yet, what if you feel like you are in daily of pursuance of a goal that you can never reach? These 6 things are ...

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6 Key Benefits to Strength Training by Alex & Ashley Poptodorov

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A&A Wellness2953

There are so many incredible benefits to strength training. When most of our clients initially come to us for coaching and personal training they are surprised to find out that we do not incorporate ‘running’ into our routine. You see, strength training offers so many benefits that after 45 minutes to an hour you ...

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Gain Control of Your Health: 6 things to start doing immediately- Ashley Poptodorova

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Hi Fitness friends and health buffs!
Alex and I wanted to provide you with our top 5 things that you can start doing immediately to gain control of your health. Remember, being healthy is so much more than just hitting the gym! It is about how you feed, nourish and care for your body. The overall “healthy lifestyle” is a must. ...

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