Posts Tagged 'recipes'

We All Scream For ‘NiceCream’: A Cleaned up Version of America’s Most Tasty Treat.

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Hello Everyone,
I am so excited to be posting this recipe (as promised). Who doesn’t love a tasty treat!? The problem is that most treats are laden with sugars. We all know how toxic sugars are to our health. Sugar is hidden in everything we eat. It is literally bombarding our products and is especially prevalent in processed foods. These added ...

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Instant Pot Recipe for Cilantro Lime Chicken

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Instant Pot Recipe!

There aren’t many things that I enjoy more than a quick, easy AND healthy dinner! We recently ordered the Instant Pot and it has been a real hit in our household! Last night I played with a recipe that can double as a ‘Mexican flavored soup’ OR a topping for tacos!

Alex and I (of course) choose large pieces of romaine in lieu of actual taco shells. Feel free to tweak and make this recipe your own. You can ...

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6 Tips for Maintaining Your Goals This Holiday Season

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In keeping with the spirit of my favorite time of year, I wanted to do a quick post with simple ways to maintain your goals this Holiday Season. This is the time of year where parties seem endless and the food is plentiful. If you go into this Season with a PLAN you will succeed! It is that simple.

Year after ...

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Amazing Cinnamon Health Benefits You May Not Have Realized

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Even if you rarely cook or bake, if you have anything in your cupboard in the way of spices, cinnamon is probably one of them. The warming, fragrant powder harvested from the bark of a tropical evergreen bush not only is tasty in a plethora of dishes both sweet and savory, but has a long history of use as a medicinal. Ayurvedic medicine originated in India more than 3,000 years ago.

Maharishi Ayurveda Products International (MAPI) notes that cinnamon is often ...

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Creamy Chocolate Chip Overnight Oats: Protein Packed Breakfast Recipe

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One of the biggest requests I get is for quick and easy ‘meal prep’ ideas. Mason jar recipes are my absolute favorite (I use them for everything) and there are many recipes in the way of overnight oats and even delicious mason jar salads that are quick, convenient and still health conscious. A+A Wellness is all about eating clean and not having it take hours to prep.

Take for example this yummy recipe I made last night. It took minutes to ...

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Fit Pics & Prep Tips: Meal Prep Tips to Save Time, Energy & Effort in the Kitchen

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As most of you know, Alex and I are less than 2 weeks out from our first competition in a long time. The last time we took the stage together was in 2010. He and I are major goal setters and thought this would be the perfect way to challenge ourselves while motivating Team A+A Wellness. After all, we are huge advocates of practicing what we preach and truly living out this ‘healthy lifestyle’ in all of it’s fullness.

Here are ...

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Two incredible clean eating recipes- GRAIN FREE chocolate chip cookies and GRAIN FREE Pancakes!

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Hi Guys!

I am really excited about these two recipes. Chocolate chip cookies and pancakes are a hit in almost every household. I knew that there had to be a healthier way of making them and there IS!  I have been tried and tested these recipes in our kitchen and they are a real hit among our family. Grain is not as healthy as the media cracks it up to be, in fact, it can be tied to numerous health issues. ...

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RECIPES- Stuffed peppers, scalloped potatoes and grain/peanut/gluten free chocolate chip cookies! YUM!

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Hello fitness friends and nutrition enthusiasts!

I have to say, I am super excited about this blog post!! I prepared this delicious and savory meal and it took a total prep time of 15 minutes (for the dinner portion only!) This meal packs in flavor and taste without sacrificing health.

Each item has been carefully modified so that you can enjoy all of the flavor, taste and delightfulness without guilt! Not to mention, the dessert recipe for grain free/gluten-free/peanut free/GUILT FREE chocolate ...

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Healthy Quinoa and Kale salad recipe

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Hello Fitness friends!

Tonight’s blog is one I am pretty excited about, I mean, who doesn’t get pumped up to try new and healthy recipes? I love Quinoa because it is packed with nutrition and is wheat/gluten-free! Delicious too! It is a grain like seed that takes on the flavors of various seasonings quite well! My favorite part of quinoa ...

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Use the fall and winter months to get in the best shape of your life! :)

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Hello Fitness friends!

Alex and I just  LOVE this time of year, something about the fall weather and the “feel” in the air that just screams HOLIDAYS! Most people tend to “fall” off during this time of year when it comes to reaching their fitness and nutrition goals. However, I am hoping that you reconsider your options this upcoming Holiday ...

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