Posts Tagged 'health'

7 Keys Steps to Help You Sleep Like a Pro

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There are few things more important than a good night’s sleep. A large body of evidence suggests that most people require seven to nine hours of sleep each night for optimal function and prevention of disease, but an increasing number of people in the industrialized world are falling far short of this ideal. According to data from the National Health Interview Survey, approximately 35 percent of US adults sleep fewer than six hours a night, and a growing body of ...

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How are you letting your emotions guide you?

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It’s impossible to go through the day without experiencing a myriad of emotions—positive or negative. How you respond to such emotions as they pop up is a deciding factor in how they guide your health. So be aware, and choose wisely.

Browsing through the SRP Historical Archives, I discovered the 1954 article “A Concept of Totality,” by Joe Nichols, MD. In it, he explains that it’s your emotions, more than ...

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Powerful exercises you can do anywhere, no equipment required

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There are almost as many excuses for not exercising as there are people who make them. Not enough time, you might say to yourself. Can’t find the perfect activity, you lament. And so on. We all know how it goes. But have you ever considered that it might be easier to throw in the metaphorical towel on excuses and just get your keister moving? There are a boatload of powerful exercises you ...

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The Grounding Diet

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Ever feel out of your head? Out of your body? Ever been called an airhead? Unable to concentrate? Unable to focus? Spacey? All of this is the opposite of being grounded. As the word suggests, to feel grounded is to feel stable in your body. Fully present. Able to focus and think clearly. Think of the ground, the earth beneath you. Stable. Steady.

Wouldn’t you like to feel more grounded?

Some of us don’t feel grounded because the pace of our life ...

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Amazing Cinnamon Health Benefits You May Not Have Realized

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Even if you rarely cook or bake, if you have anything in your cupboard in the way of spices, cinnamon is probably one of them. The warming, fragrant powder harvested from the bark of a tropical evergreen bush not only is tasty in a plethora of dishes both sweet and savory, but has a long history of use as a medicinal. Ayurvedic medicine originated in India more than 3,000 years ago.

Maharishi Ayurveda Products International (MAPI) notes that cinnamon is often ...

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Part 1: Creating a Chemical Free & Toxin Free Home

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If you knew you were doing something that could potentially harm the health of yourself or your family, would you change it?

I know this seems like an obvious YES & perhaps a strong question to kick this blog post off with but it is heavy on my heart to share the ALARMING information I have learned regarding the chemicals, toxins and hazards that are hidden in the average American home.  Many of these cleaning products and chemicals you use daily. ...

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A+A Wellness Grocery List

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A+A Tips for Healthier Food S hopping:

  • Eat Before Grocery S hopping
  • Review the Clean Fifteen/Dirty Dozen prior to shopping
  • Stick to Your List & Circle Only Items Needed
  • Shop with Your Goals in Mind
  • Shop the Outer Perimeter First
  • Ask Yourself at Each Item “Is this bringing me closer to my goals or further from my goals?”

Shopping List

Click Here For Your Copy

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Step 6 of Proper Goal Setting: Becoming Your Own Best Friend

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Ok, last part of the series on ‘Proper Goal Setting’ and I could not be more excited! I am hoping that at this point, you’ve been able to take a look at some of the ‘action items’ provided for each part of this series (I am even thinking of turning this into an eBook because it’s THAT important). I saved the ...

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Step 5 of Proper Goal Setting: Building the Right Support Network

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I can’t imagine starting my journey to health with no support. When I started my own journey I was 208 pounds. Throughout the most impactful part of my journey I leaned on and relied on the help of my husband Alex to support, guide, teach and hold me accountable. His support is still one of the things I credit largely to my success.

A proper support network is what helps to keep you accountable, motivate you and support your efforts. It ...

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