Posts Tagged '6 tips to get healthy'

Step 6 of Proper Goal Setting: Becoming Your Own Best Friend

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Ok, last part of the series on ‘Proper Goal Setting’ and I could not be more excited! I am hoping that at this point, you’ve been able to take a look at some of the ‘action items’ provided for each part of this series (I am even thinking of turning this into an eBook because it’s THAT important). I saved the ...

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6 Things Standing Between You and Your Goals

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goal_settingHow many times have you set a goal only to find that it got shuffled under a pile of ‘to do’s” or worse yet, that you completely forgot it all together? Even worse yet, what if you feel like you are in daily of pursuance of a goal that you can never reach? These 6 things are common ...

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Gain Control of Your Health: 6 things to start doing immediately- Ashley Poptodorova

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Hi Fitness friends and health buffs!
Alex and I wanted to provide you with our top 5 things that you can start doing immediately to gain control of your health. Remember, being healthy is so much more than just hitting the gym! It is about how you feed, nourish and care for your body. The overall “healthy lifestyle” is a must. These ...

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