Posts Tagged 'grain free/gluten free recipes'

Gain Control of Your Health: 6 things to start doing immediately- Ashley Poptodorova

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Hi Fitness friends and health buffs!
Alex and I wanted to provide you with our top 5 things that you can start doing immediately to gain control of your health. Remember, being healthy is so much more than just hitting the gym! It is about how you feed, nourish and care for your body. The overall “healthy lifestyle” is a must. ...

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RECIPES- Stuffed peppers, scalloped potatoes and grain/peanut/gluten free chocolate chip cookies! YUM!

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Hello fitness friends and nutrition enthusiasts!

I have to say, I am super excited about this blog post!! I prepared this delicious and savory meal and it took a total prep time of 15 minutes (for the dinner portion only!) This meal packs in flavor and taste without sacrificing health.

Each item has been carefully modified so that you can enjoy all of the flavor, taste and delightfulness without guilt! Not to mention, the dessert recipe for grain free/gluten-free/peanut free/GUILT FREE chocolate ...

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Healthy Quinoa and Kale salad recipe

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Hello Fitness friends!

Tonight’s blog is one I am pretty excited about, I mean, who doesn’t get pumped up to try new and healthy recipes? I love Quinoa because it is packed with nutrition and is wheat/gluten-free! Delicious too! It is a grain like seed that takes on the flavors of various seasonings quite well! My favorite part of quinoa is ...

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