Posts Tagged 'weight loss'

We All Scream For ‘NiceCream’: A Cleaned up Version of America’s Most Tasty Treat.

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Hello Everyone,
I am so excited to be posting this recipe (as promised). Who doesn’t love a tasty treat!? The problem is that most treats are laden with sugars. We all know how toxic sugars are to our health. Sugar is hidden in everything we eat. It is literally bombarding our products and is especially prevalent in processed foods. These added ...

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Interview with Mike & Jennifer Rusher: One Couple’s Journey to Getting Healthy & Losing a Combined 86 Pounds!

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When Alex & I first met Mike and Jennifer Rusher, we were so eager to get them on the road to being healthy and fit. They both had big goals in mind, so we set out to create a Customized program that would be tailored to their specific needs. To see how they have changed and GROWN in such a short period of time is so amazing that we had to share. Alex and I are so proud of them ...

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Gain Control of Your Health: 6 things to start doing immediately- Ashley Poptodorova

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Hi Fitness friends and health buffs!
Alex and I wanted to provide you with our top 5 things that you can start doing immediately to gain control of your health. Remember, being healthy is so much more than just hitting the gym! It is about how you feed, nourish and care for your body. The overall “healthy lifestyle” is a must. ...

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Weight loss vs. Fat loss and why you WANT nice lean muscle- A+A Wellness, East Cobb & Roswell Personal Trainer and Nutrition Experts

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I am really excited about this post! It is time to clear up the misconceptions behind the “fear” of building muscle. This is something  I cover daily with our team and it is an article that I hope helps to shed some light. There is a big difference between weight loss and FAT loss. I will go in-depth on this as well.

One common concern I hear daily is women ...

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Use the fall and winter months to get in the best shape of your life! :)

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Hello Fitness friends!

Alex and I just  LOVE this time of year, something about the fall weather and the “feel” in the air that just screams HOLIDAYS! Most people tend to “fall” off during this time of year when it comes to reaching their fitness and nutrition goals. However, I am hoping that you reconsider your options this upcoming Holiday ...

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Practical ways to live the “healthy life” for you and your family!

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Hello fitness fans and friends! 🙂
As always, it is such a pleasure to be back here blogging for you. I will keep this post short and sweet. I would like to offer up some practical ways to make wise nutritional choices for yourself and your family.

How many times has “eating healthy” left you scratching your head? What do you do? Where do you even begin? This road can ...

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