Posts Tagged 'exercise tips'

Step 4 of Proper Goal Setting: Doing the Right Things Right.

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As a Fitness Professional the one thing I come across MOST when dealing with new clients is that they are often times doing the right thing the WRONG way. When it comes to reaching goals, it is so important to have the pieces properly lined up for success.

This will probably be the shortest post in this series but I want to ...

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Gain Control of Your Health: 6 things to start doing immediately- Ashley Poptodorova

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Hi Fitness friends and health buffs!
Alex and I wanted to provide you with our top 5 things that you can start doing immediately to gain control of your health. Remember, being healthy is so much more than just hitting the gym! It is about how you feed, nourish and care for your body. The overall “healthy lifestyle” is a must. These ...

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Practical Ways to Positively Change Your Daily Habits to Achieve Success

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Daily habits. We all have them. What do your daily habits say about you? Organized? Disorganized? Driven? Structured? Successful? Haphazard?
One thing I learned early on in my journey to getting healthy is that my DAILY ROUTINE had to improve. I had to selectively replace bad habits with healthy habits. I had to change my day to day ...

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What you can expect from our NEW BLOG! :)

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Hello friends!

Alex and I are SO excited about this BRAND NEW Blog! We have such a big vision for helping others and using our God-given knowledge to do so. I wanted to just update you quickly on what you can expect from our blog. We will be posting so much great information here! Our hopes is to create ...

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