Posts Tagged 'holistic'

Step 6 of Proper Goal Setting: Becoming Your Own Best Friend

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Ok, last part of the series on ‘Proper Goal Setting’ and I could not be more excited! I am hoping that at this point, you’ve been able to take a look at some of the ‘action items’ provided for each part of this series (I am even thinking of turning this into an eBook because it’s THAT important). I saved the ...

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Step 5 of Proper Goal Setting: Building the Right Support Network

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I can’t imagine starting my journey to health with no support. When I started my own journey I was 208 pounds. Throughout the most impactful part of my journey I leaned on and relied on the help of my husband Alex to support, guide, teach and hold me accountable. His support is still one of the things I credit largely to my success.

A proper support network is what helps to keep you accountable, motivate you and support your efforts. It ...

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6 Things Standing Between You and Your Goals

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goal_settingHow many times have you set a goal only to find that it got shuffled under a pile of ‘to do’s” or worse yet, that you completely forgot it all together? Even worse yet, what if you feel like you are in daily of pursuance of a goal that you can never reach? These 6 things are common ...

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