Posts Tagged 'tips'

6 Tips for Maintaining Your Goals This Holiday Season

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In keeping with the spirit of my favorite time of year, I wanted to do a quick post with simple ways to maintain your goals this Holiday Season. This is the time of year where parties seem endless and the food is plentiful. If you go into this Season with a PLAN you will succeed! It is that simple.

Year after ...

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Step 6 of Proper Goal Setting: Becoming Your Own Best Friend

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Ok, last part of the series on ‘Proper Goal Setting’ and I could not be more excited! I am hoping that at this point, you’ve been able to take a look at some of the ‘action items’ provided for each part of this series (I am even thinking of turning this into an eBook because it’s THAT important). I saved the ...

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Step 5 of Proper Goal Setting: Building the Right Support Network

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I can’t imagine starting my journey to health with no support. When I started my own journey I was 208 pounds. Throughout the most impactful part of my journey I leaned on and relied on the help of my husband Alex to support, guide, teach and hold me accountable. His support is still one of the things I credit largely to my success.

A proper support network is what helps to keep you accountable, motivate you and support your efforts. It ...

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6 Things Standing Between You and Your Goals

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goal_settingHow many times have you set a goal only to find that it got shuffled under a pile of ‘to do’s” or worse yet, that you completely forgot it all together? Even worse yet, what if you feel like you are in daily of pursuance of a goal that you can never reach? These 6 things are ...

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Keys to Optimal Bone Health: Part One

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Alex and I had the pleasure of presenting our ‘Keys to Optimal Bone Health’ seminar at Whole Foods. We wanted to share our notes with you on the causes of bone health deterioration as well as what you can do to improve your overall bone health. I am breaking these notes up into two parts.

Bones are the biggest storage of calcium in the body. Over time, bone deterioration can lead to things such as osteopenia and osteoporosis, risk of fractures, ...

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6 Key Benefits to Strength Training by Alex & Ashley Poptodorov

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A&A Wellness2953

There are so many incredible benefits to strength training. When most of our clients initially come to us for coaching and personal training they are surprised to find out that we do not incorporate ‘running’ into our routine. You see, strength training offers so many benefits that after 45 minutes to an hour you ...

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Gain Control of Your Health: 6 things to start doing immediately- Ashley Poptodorova

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Hi Fitness friends and health buffs!
Alex and I wanted to provide you with our top 5 things that you can start doing immediately to gain control of your health. Remember, being healthy is so much more than just hitting the gym! It is about how you feed, nourish and care for your body. The overall “healthy lifestyle” is a must. ...

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Everything I learned during my journey towards health – East Cobb Personal Trainer

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Hello A+A Wellness friends and followers! 🙂

Where do I begin with such a post? I have learned so much in this past 10 years of my life it is incredible! I started my journey (as most of you know) at 208 pounds. I grew up with various types of abuse throughout my life and the final straw I believe was being entangled and trapped in a physically and verbally abusive relationship for 5 years. It was singlehandedly the worst (and ...

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Goal setting for success with Alex and Ashley Poptodorov

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Goal Setting. Two simple words that pack a lot of meaning. How many of us KNOW about goal setting (we think about it) but rarely put it into practice?
I could safely say that would be the majority of people. Today, I want to go in depth on GOAL SETTING FOR SUCCESS. YOU have the ability to reach your goals if ...

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Squash excuses and bring yourself steps closer to success!

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Really… think about this. Why is it that we bombard ourselves with excuses and sabotage our goals that mean so much to us? I am going to challenge you today to think “outside of the box” and really reflect on your health and what it is you want.

I can’t even begin to tell you the myriad of excuses I have ...

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