Posts Tagged 'almond butter'

Pumpkin Spice Pecan Nut Butter Recipe: A Cost Efficient Alternative to Expensive Store-bought Brands

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MMMM! Who doesn’t love nut butters? They pack good healthy fats and many benefits. I love using nut butter in my morning breakfast and with organic sliced apples as a snack. The options are endless and its a perfect addition to recipes or to help curb a craving.

A good quality nut butter that is not full of junk, sugar or ...

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Two incredible clean eating recipes- GRAIN FREE chocolate chip cookies and GRAIN FREE Pancakes!

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Hi Guys!

I am really excited about these two recipes. Chocolate chip cookies and pancakes are a hit in almost every household. I knew that there had to be a healthier way of making them and there IS!  I have been tried and tested these recipes in our kitchen and they are a real hit among our family. Grain is not as healthy as the media cracks it up to be, in fact, it can be tied to numerous health issues. ...

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