
A+A Wellness Grocery List

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A+A Tips for Healthier Food S hopping:

  • Eat Before Grocery S hopping
  • Review the Clean Fifteen/Dirty Dozen prior to shopping
  • Stick to Your List & Circle Only Items Needed
  • Shop with Your Goals in Mind
  • Shop the Outer Perimeter First
  • Ask Yourself at Each Item “Is this bringing me closer to my goals or further from my goals?”

Shopping List

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Coke Is a Joke: Alarming Aspartame Facts Infograph

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Coca-Cola rolls out a new ad campaign assuring consumers that its no- or low-calorie beverages containing the artificial sweetener aspartame are a safe alternative to sugar. Don’t believe these claims. Artificial sweeteners have never been proven to assist with weight loss, and actually have been shown to promote weight gain as well as increase your risk of other negative health effects.

My infographic “Coke Is a Joke: Alarming Aspartame Facts” debunks the preposterous claims made by Coke about its diet soda ...

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How to Make Sense of Your Cholesterol Levels Infograph

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Cholesterol isn’t a plague that you need to avoid. In fact, cholesterol is required in several important body functions. Yet conventional doctors often neglect to tell you this and unnecessarily prescribe statins or cholesterol-lowering drugs, putting you at risk of well-documented side effects.

It’s time for you to learn the truth about cholesterol, and the better indicators of heart disease than just your total cholesterol level. Check out this infographic and help educate others by sharing this with your friends and ...

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Sugar in Foods (A Sweet Trap) Infograph

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You may enjoy eating processed, supermarket-bought foods because they taste good, but what if you find out that these products contain a dangerous sweetener that may have long-term effects on your health? This sweetener is none other than high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), the leading source of calories in the United States today. HFCS lurks in many so-called “healthy” food products – even some which are not naturally sweet.

Sugar in general, though, should be reduced and eventually eliminated from your diet. ...

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Fructose Overload Infograph

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Do you know how much sugar you’re consuming every day? Not many people are aware of it, but massive amounts of fructose, some in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), lurk in many of the processed foods they eat daily.

Fructose – sweet, delicious, and addictive as it is – has detrimental effects on your health, leading to conditions like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and other chronic diseases.
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Mercury Dental Fillings Infographic

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Mercury is one of the most potent neurotoxins found in the environment. Exposure to this heavy metal poses potential psychological, neurological, immunological, and endocrinal damage in your body.

Although mercury is found in air and water pollution, it can also reach your bloodstream and impair your vital functions through dental amalgams, which are deceptively called “silver fillings.”

Are you aware that out of all the heavy metals that are found in the environment, mercury is the most dangerous? Mercury can poison you ...

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Water Fluoridation Infographic

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Is water fluoridation really in the best interest of public health? For many years, we’ve been told that fluoridation is necessary because it helps prevent tooth decay and reduces dental caries, especially in children. But is there any truth to these claims?

There’s actually more to fluoridation than meets the eye. Fluoride, when ingested, may wreak havoc on your health. And this dangerous toxin is being added to your water supply, and you and your family are exposed to it daily, ...

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Ways to Avoid Fluoride Exposure Infographic

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Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product – it is a poison, and is in no way a “nutrient,” as it does not offer any benefits to the human body. Yet, this damaging compound is being added to your water supply, exposing you to potential dangers every day.

But here’s what’s more disturbing: fluoride is found not only in your drinking water, but also in other seemingly harmless products, some which are found inside your home. And if you’re not careful, ...

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