Posts Tagged 'achieving goals'

Step 3 of Proper Goal Setting: Planning Ahead

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So many times in life we plan to fail by failing to plan. It is a tough truth that I had to learn in my life and especially when it came to adapting to my new ‘healthy lifestyle’ and goals. Remember, I started my OWN journey to health at 208 pounds! Just look at the picture below. That was me ...

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Step 1 of Proper Goal Setting: Establish SMART goals

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I am particularly excited about this 6 part series to ‘Proper Goals Setting’ for our Inner Circle Members. I hope you find it helpful and insightful and if you have any questions at all, you can simply jump over to the forum to post your questions under our ‘Ask Alex & Ashley’ thread.

The first (and often ...

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Goal setting for success with Alex and Ashley Poptodorov

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Goal Setting. Two simple words that pack a lot of meaning. How many of us KNOW about goal setting (we think about it) but rarely put it into practice?
I could safely say that would be the majority of people. Today, I want to go in depth on GOAL SETTING FOR SUCCESS. YOU have the ability to reach your goals if ...

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