6 Key Benefits to Strength Training by Alex & Ashley Poptodorov

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There are so many incredible benefits to strength training. When most of our clients initially come to us for coaching and personal training they are surprised to find out that we do not incorporate ‘running’ into our routine. You see, strength training offers so many benefits that after 45 minutes to an hour you ...

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Gain Control of Your Health: 6 things to start doing immediately- Ashley Poptodorova

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Hi Fitness friends and health buffs!
Alex and I wanted to provide you with our top 5 things that you can start doing immediately to gain control of your health. Remember, being healthy is so much more than just hitting the gym! It is about how you feed, nourish and care for your body. The overall “healthy lifestyle” is a must. These ...

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Practical Ways to Positively Change Your Daily Habits to Achieve Success

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Daily habits. We all have them. What do your daily habits say about you? Organized? Disorganized? Driven? Structured? Successful? Haphazard?
One thing I learned early on in my journey to getting healthy is that my DAILY ROUTINE had to improve. I had to selectively replace bad habits with healthy habits. I had to change my day to ...

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Everything I learned during my journey towards health – East Cobb Personal Trainer

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Hello A+A Wellness friends and followers! 🙂

Where do I begin with such a post? I have learned so much in this past 10 years of my life it is incredible! I started my journey (as most of you know) at 208 pounds. I grew up with various types of abuse throughout my life and the final straw I believe was being entangled and trapped in a physically and verbally abusive relationship for 5 years. It was singlehandedly the worst (and ...

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Weight loss vs. Fat loss and why you WANT nice lean muscle- A+A Wellness, East Cobb & Roswell Personal Trainer and Nutrition Experts

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I am really excited about this post! It is time to clear up the misconceptions behind the “fear” of building muscle. This is something  I cover daily with our team and it is an article that I hope helps to shed some light. There is a big difference between weight loss and FAT loss. I will go in-depth on this as well.

One common concern I hear daily is women ...

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Roswell, East Cobb Personal Training and Nutrition – A+A Wellness amazing updates, one year in Atlanta!

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Hi Guys!

We are so excited to be back to updating our blog on a regular basis. The past 12 months have been adventurous and AWESOME with growing our business in a new Community! Alex and I wanted to provide you with some of our exciting updates for the past year and what is going on with A+A Wellness.

We can’t ...

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East Cobb Personal Trainer- The importance of sleep

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Just like eating healthy and exercising daily, there are many other things that contribute to overall health and vitality. One of the most important is something that our society seems to put on the back burner: SLEEP!
I hope that by posting some facts and the “importance of sleep” it will cause you to get in bed just a little ...

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East Cobb Personal Trainer- When is the best time to workout?

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This is perhaps one of the most often asked questions at A+A Wellness. When is the BEST time to workout? This is a very valid question too and it involves a multi faceted approach to determine the best time for YOU.

Your body has something called its “Circadian Rhythm” which ultimately determines whether you will be an Early Bird or a Night Owl. Your bodies circadian rhythm is governed by the 24 hour pattern of the Earths rotation.
This rhythm can ...

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Two incredible clean eating recipes- GRAIN FREE chocolate chip cookies and GRAIN FREE Pancakes!

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Hi Guys!

I am really excited about these two recipes. Chocolate chip cookies and pancakes are a hit in almost every household. I knew that there had to be a healthier way of making them and there IS!  I have been tried and tested these recipes in our kitchen and they are a real hit among our family. Grain is not as healthy as the media cracks it up to be, in fact, it can be tied to numerous health issues. ...

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RECIPES- Stuffed peppers, scalloped potatoes and grain/peanut/gluten free chocolate chip cookies! YUM!

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Hello fitness friends and nutrition enthusiasts!

I have to say, I am super excited about this blog post!! I prepared this delicious and savory meal and it took a total prep time of 15 minutes (for the dinner portion only!) This meal packs in flavor and taste without sacrificing health.

Each item has been carefully modified so that you can enjoy all of the flavor, taste and delightfulness without guilt! Not to mention, the dessert recipe for grain free/gluten-free/peanut free/GUILT FREE chocolate ...

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