Posts Tagged 'creating new habits'

Building a Strong Mind so You Can Build a Strong Body: 5 Classic Signs of Weak Thinking and How to Fix It.

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For those who know me, you know I love the fit and healthy life. I love eating clean, pushing myself in the gym and I pretty much live and breath the healthy lifestyle. For almost 12 years I have been blessed to help Coach people to health & wellbeing alongside my husband I and have seen countless lives changed through A+A Wellness. ...

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Practical Ways to Positively Change Your Daily Habits to Achieve Success

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Daily habits. We all have them. What do your daily habits say about you? Organized? Disorganized? Driven? Structured? Successful? Haphazard?
One thing I learned early on in my journey to getting healthy is that my DAILY ROUTINE had to improve. I had to selectively replace bad habits with healthy habits. I had to change my day to day ...

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