Posts Tagged 'healthy lifestyle tips'

Don’t Think You Have Time for Exercise?

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If you’ve been meaning to build more physical activity into your everyday life but think it will take up too much time, you’re going about it all wrong. An all or nothing approach is quite foolish when it comes to your health. It simply allows you to put off what you know you need to do—the perfect scapegoat.

And anyway, this is a glorious time of the year to bump exercise up to the top of your priority list. With the ...

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6 Tips for Maintaining Your Goals This Holiday Season

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In keeping with the spirit of my favorite time of year, I wanted to do a quick post with simple ways to maintain your goals this Holiday Season. This is the time of year where parties seem endless and the food is plentiful. If you go into this Season with a PLAN you will succeed! It is that simple.

Year after ...

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Squash excuses and bring yourself steps closer to success!

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Really… think about this. Why is it that we bombard ourselves with excuses and sabotage our goals that mean so much to us? I am going to challenge you today to think “outside of the box” and really reflect on your health and what it is you want.

I can’t even begin to tell you the myriad of excuses I have ...

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