Posts Tagged 'how to set goals'

Step 6 of Proper Goal Setting: Becoming Your Own Best Friend

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Ok, last part of the series on ‘Proper Goal Setting’ and I could not be more excited! I am hoping that at this point, you’ve been able to take a look at some of the ‘action items’ provided for each part of this series (I am even thinking of turning this into an eBook because it’s THAT important). I saved the ...

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Step 4 of Proper Goal Setting: Doing the Right Things Right.

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As a Fitness Professional the one thing I come across MOST when dealing with new clients is that they are often times doing the right thing the WRONG way. When it comes to reaching goals, it is so important to have the pieces properly lined up for success.

This will probably be the shortest post in this series but I want to share ...

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Step 1 of Proper Goal Setting: Establish SMART goals

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I am particularly excited about this 6 part series to ‘Proper Goals Setting’ for our Inner Circle Members. I hope you find it helpful and insightful and if you have any questions at all, you can simply jump over to the forum to post your questions under our ‘Ask Alex & Ashley’ thread.

The first (and often ...

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My tips for staying motivated to lose 80 pounds! If you struggle with motivation, this post is for YOU!

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Hello friends and fellow fitness buffs!

Today’s blog post is one that I know firsthand is extremely important! When I started on my journey to health (I lost 80 pounds!!) I needed as much motivation as possible. Almost instinctively, I started to employ techniques that helped me to gain long-term motivation to ...

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