
Step 1 of Proper Goal Setting: Establish SMART goals

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I am particularly excited about this 6 part series to ‘Proper Goals Setting’ for our Inner Circle Members. I hope you find it helpful and insightful and if you have any questions at all, you can simply jump over to the forum to post your questions under our ‘Ask Alex & Ashley’ thread.

The first (and often missed) crucial step to proper goal setting is to make sure that your goals are well thought out. So many people have a ‘vague’ idea of what they would like to accomplish & consider this enough to constitute setting a goal. Each goal should be accompanied by a ‘road map’ if you will to help ensure you are able to complete it efficiently. A great place to start creating your road map is by using the SMART outline:

Specific: The more specific and detailed your goal is, the more likely you are to achieve it. My suggestion is to write out your specifics in a journal or a workout journal to help make it visible. Remember, out of sight, out of mind.

Measurable: The more you are able to track progress, the more likely you are to succeed. How do you know where you stand if you do not know your starting point or where you currently are? This is why we always aim to do a body composition analysis for our clients. Body fat tracking is a great way to ‘measure’ goals for example.

Attainable: Make sure that the goal you setting is realistic to where you are starting and attainable. If you are just starting out for example and you want to run a marathon, your best bet is to set attainable goals leading up to that instead of trying to run 26 miles when you are just starting.

Relevant: How relevant is this goal? Setting relevant goals will help keep you inspired and on track to reach your immediate and your long term goals. This also helps you to think deeply about what you are doing and if it is keeping you focused on your own personal ‘bigger picture’.

Timely: Setting time limits helps maintain focus on the plan ahead and keeps you motivated and inspired to stay on track. A goal without a deadline is just a dream.

So you see, setting SMART goals is the staring point. My suggestion is to keep a ‘Progress Journal’ to detail out your goals and timelines. You could even create a visible dry erase format with your goals written out and detailed.

Do not overthink the goal but do not under think it either! The key is to find balance between a well thought out goal and the ACTION to go along with it! 🙂

Click here to TAKE ACTION on this post and begin applying what you’ve learned.


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