Confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are usually hidden from public view. In fact, certain states like Iowa have considered making it illegal to show undercover videos taken on such farms – often a window to shocking scenes of animal cruelty and filth.
But the truth cannot be hidden. Factory farm animals are getting sicker, dirtier, and growing freakishly faster by the minute. The environment is bearing the brunt, with the waste from CAFOs considered “mini Chernobyls.” Humans are at risk of more and more health dangers, such as the dreaded Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection.
Learn the truth about CAFOs or factory farming in this infographic, and how poultry and livestock, lands and rivers, and the human body are suffering from it. Learn, too, why supporting local organic farming can be the key turning things around.Share this infographic with your friends and loved ones to educate them today.
The mass production of America’s food comes with a hefty price. Find out the environmental, animal, and human impact of raising over 99 percent of US farm animals in factory farms in this infographic, “The Truth About Factory Farms.” Use the embed code to share it on your website or visit our infographic page for the high-res version.
About the Author:
Alex & Ashley Poptodorov are owners of A+A Wellness in ATL, GA. They have over 30 years combined experience with 14 years of running their own fitness facility in Tampa & ATL. They relocated to ATL in 2013 and now offer Fitness, Nutrition, Lifestyle & Traditional Naturopathy programs including Online Coaching and their online Forum called the A+A Wellness 'Inner Circle'.