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I made these in a mini muffin tin – have not tested larger muffins so be careful that the inside is fully cooked if you make the larger ones.

Cinnamon Apple Muffins

5 Eggs
1c Unsweetened Applesauce
1/2c diced apples
2-3Tbs Cinnamon (I used 2.5)
1tsp baking soda
1/4c coconut oil
3 squirts Stevia (more or less)
1/2C coconut flour
24 mini paper cups and 2-12cup mini tins

1. mix it all up and let sit for 5 mins to let the coconut flour fully absorb.
2. pour into paper cups (they stick, so I find it best to use the cups)
3. bake at 400 degrees for 12-15min (wait for oven to get up to temp before baking)

Next time I’m going to try it with raw cocoa powder and stevia chips.