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Hi guys!
I am doing a 6 part series on ‘Proper Goal Setting’ and have posted the first two parts for you!
I would love to propose the following action items for the latest members posts (up on the blog)

Step one of ‘Proper Goal Setting’ is setting SMART goals. Read the blog post here.

TAKE ACTION ON STEP ONE: The ‘take action’ plan for this is to comment and write out some of your goals detailing the SMART outline. You can write and share one goal OR you can share as many as you like! The key is to have it here on the forum where you can be held accountable AND we can support your efforts!

Step two of ‘Proper Goal Setting’ is preventing OVERSTIMULATION. Read the blog post here.

Your action item for this step is to comment below on how you may be overstimulated in your life as well as ways you will work on this during this upcoming week. Again, the key is to hold each other accountable and offer a support network through the Inner Circle! I am looking forward to hearing all of the progress you make this next week.
