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Exactly right! I always use the analogy of being your own best friend b/c if you had a friend that constantly spoke to you like we often speak to ourselves, they would not be our friend for long! I remember one time CRYING MY EYES OUT and looking in the mirror repeating over and over and over…. “You are beautiful” and even though I did not believe it at the time, I do now. I believe that my heart and my efforts to love and help others is what makes me beautiful. It is not just about the ‘physical’ though this is what our society always promotes. We are all STUNNING. If you could see the good works of a person, their heart and their impact in this world on the OUTSIDE it would really reveal true beauty vs. beauty that fades.

Anyhow.. I love this and love ya’ll (uh oh! Is GA wearing off on me!?) LOL!