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Hi Ashley! I was talking to a co-worker last week and she asked how I started on the road to health and stayed motivated. I always tell people the truth, that some days are much harder than others and I have lied on the floor and cried because I wanted candy. Ha! That’s the truth! I told her that before I started to get healthy, I had a lot of regret after I ate. I would binge and then sit and hate myself. So when I started to change my life I would say to myself “I’m not going to regret this workout.” “I’m never going to regret eating this grilled chicken salad.” “I’m not going to regret not eating this candy.” And it worked! Slowly but surely, the regrets became further and further apart. That sinking feeling in my stomach and that feeling of failing myself started to fade until they became a distant memory. And now, almost three years in, if I slip up, I don’t regret it. I know the next meal will be clean and I don’t have to hate myself for one moment of weakness.