Posts Tagged 'healthy lifestyle blogs'

6 Things Standing Between You and Your Goals

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goal_settingHow many times have you set a goal only to find that it got shuffled under a pile of ‘to do’s” or worse yet, that you completely forgot it all together? Even worse yet, what if you feel like you are in daily of pursuance of a goal that you can never reach? These 6 things are common ...

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Keys to Optimal Bone Health: Part Two

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Here are some things that you can begin doing IMMEDIATELY to improve your bone health. Bone degeneration is mostly reversible with an aggressive protocol. Here are some things to be on the lookout for to keep those bones healthy!

What you can do to rebuild your bone health:
1) Heal and seal your GUT! Address any gastrointestinal issues you have.
It is not just about what you eat, it is about what you absorb.
2) Introduce heavy rounds of good quality ...

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Practical Ways to Positively Change Your Daily Habits to Achieve Success

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Daily habits. We all have them. What do your daily habits say about you? Organized? Disorganized? Driven? Structured? Successful? Haphazard?
One thing I learned early on in my journey to getting healthy is that my DAILY ROUTINE had to improve. I had to selectively replace bad habits with healthy habits. I had to change my day to ...

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