
The Truth About Factory Farms Infographic

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Confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are usually hidden from public view. In fact, certain states like Iowa have considered making it illegal to show undercover videos taken on such farms – often a window to shocking scenes of animal cruelty and filth.

But the truth cannot be hidden. Factory farm animals are getting sicker, dirtier, and  growing freakishly faster by the minute. The environment is bearing the brunt, with the waste from CAFOs considered “mini Chernobyls.” Humans are at risk of ...

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NSAIDs: The Painful Truth Behind Painkillers Infographic

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Millions of Americans struggle with painful conditions: chronic headaches, back pain, and arthritis, to name a few. This led to the birth of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs, which have been prescribed over a million times worldwide. While these anti-inflammatory drugs are promoted to help individuals deal with pain, they are actually among the most dangerous drugs on the market, causing disorders from gastrointestinal complications and pregnancy problems to heart failure.

This infographic shows the most common NSAIDs and their corresponding ...

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Top Toxins to Avoid Especially If Pregnant Infographic

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Environmental toxins are everywhere, and pregnant women and their unborn child are especially vulnerable to their pernicious effects. These chemicals do not only come from the environment, but may already be inside your home, car, purse – or worse, on your dinner plate!

The reality is, there are about 75,000 distinct chemicals that are produced here in America or imported from abroad. Many of these toxic agents have not been regulated properly. At this very moment, you may be holding in ...

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10 Banned Foods Americans Should Stop Eating Infographic

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Certain harmful additives, growth promoters, genetically engineered (GE) ingredients, and more are already banned in other countries – why are they still being added to foods sold in America?

Check out this infographic to learn 10 banned foods that Americans should stop consuming – what products they’re usually found in, and the many different health risks they entail.

There is little doubt that in terms of quality, much of the food sold in the United States lags behind those sold in other ...

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Hidden Dangers in Personal Care Products

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Promoting optimal skin health requires watching what you eat and what you put on your skin. You should know that personal care products resting on supermarket and pharmacy shelves may not be as safe as you probably think. In fact, many of them contain parabens, triclosan, phthalates, and thousands of chemicals that can lead to poor skin health, hormonal problems, and even cancer.

Unfortunately, the majority of these ingredients are not reviewed or regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ...

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Fructose Overload Infographic

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Do you know how much sugar you’re consuming every day? Not many people are aware of it, but massive amounts of fructose, some in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), lurk in many of the processed foods they eat daily. Fructose – sweet, delicious, and addictive as it is – has detrimental effects on your health, leading to conditions like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and other chronic diseases.

Beware of Foods That Contain Toxic Amounts of Fructose!

Sweet, tasty, and ...

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9 Unhealthy Foods to Avoid Infographic

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With the countless food products available on supermarket shelves today, how do you separate the ones that are good for you from those that can wreak havoc on your health? Here’s the shocking fact: many unhealthy foods are actually masquerading as “healthy foods”… and you may be unknowingly stocking them in your food cabinet and feeding them to your family!

Check out my infographic “9 Unhealthy Foods to Avoid” now – it features a list of unhealthy foods that I advise ...

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